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La Historia de Xori

Xori es un personaje monigote (dibujado al estilo de palitos), tranquila y pacífica, que vive una vida bastante relajada, haciendo videos de vlogs y documentando su viaje por el mundo. Trabaja para su amigo Cykan , con quien tiene una buena relación de confianza. A pesar de no buscar crecer demasiado en popularidad, Xori disfruta de crear contenido sobre su vida diaria y de probar cosas nuevas en la Tierra, compartiendo sus experiencias con quienes la siguen. Sin embargo, hay un conflicto en la vida de Xori: una YouTuber, también representada como un monigote, que hace videos de humor absurdo y críticas a temas actuales, a veces tocando temas muy delicados de manera inapropiada. Xori odia a esta YouTuber, no solo porque su contenido le parece molesto, sino también porque la YouTuber la ha insultado, llamándola "una copia barata", debido a lo parecido que son ambas visualmente, ya que ambas son monigotes, aunque sus contenidos no tienen nada que ver. Mientras Xori se enfoca en...

Shíster 64 History

Once upon a time, a boy who simply enjoys his life, he makes art, he does some crafts, he meditates when he feels sad (since he has some problems with his mind) but well, when he wakes up he gets ready to go to work (or maybe go to college) he has some good friends here who support his art, but sometimes Shíster doesn't think they are supporting his art, so he shows them to people and his friends so that people and friends can be aware. so much of his art and the great work he does. One more thing, he doesn't like (or maybe hates) being dirty, so he takes a shower before going to sleep, it makes him feel comfortable (especially on summer days), and he falls asleep as if he were in the clouds (well, if nothing bad happened to him). He has some problems with his life, one of them is about a person who was using him for things that Shíster didn't want to do and feeling limited because of that person, also about a condition that he "suffers from" but I don't want ...

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